Español The statistics may surprise you: Lung cancer kills more women in the U.S. than any other cancer. About 120,000 women are diagnosed with lung cancer each year and about 60,000 women die from the disease. Although lung cancer is commonly associated with smoking, it’s important to know that non-smokers can get lung cancer, too. Here’s what you need to know about the different types of lung cancer and how they’re treated. There are three types of lung cancer with many subtypes1. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) makes up 85 out of 100 of all lung cancer cases. Its main subtypes start from different types of lung cells, but the treatment options are often similar, so healthcare providers (HCPs) often group them together. The main types of non-small cell lung cancer are:AdenocarcinomaGrows from mucus-producing cells in the outer parts of the lung, which makes it more likely to be diagnosed earlyMakes up about 4 out of 10 NSCLC casesIs more common in women and younger people who develop lung cancer, including people who don’t smokeSquamous cell carcinomaTumors start in the squamous cells, which line the inside of the lung’s airwaysMakes up about 3 out of 10 NSCLC casesUsually develops in people with a history of smokingOften located near the center of the chest, which can make them hard to treatLarge cell carcinomaCan grow in any part of the lung Make up about 1 out of 10 cases of lung cancerTends to grow and spread quicklyOther rare NSLC subtypes Large cell neuroendocrine carcinomaAdenosquamous carcinomaSarcomatoid carcinoma2. Small cell lung cancer (SCLC)Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is the other major type of lung cancer. The name comes from the way the cells look under a microscope: they’re smaller than the cells seen in NSCLC. About 10–15 out of 100 cases of lung cancer are SCLC, which is sometimes called oat cell cancer. SCLC is the most aggressive type of lung cancer and usually diagnosed at an advanced stage.3. Lung carcinoid tumorsLung carcinoid tumors grow in the lung’s neuroendocrine cells, which perform functions like controlling air and blood flow in the lungs or adapting to differing oxygen levels in the air we breathe. There are two types of lung carcinoid tumors: typical and atypical.Lung carcinoid tumors are rare and usually slow growing.Typical carcinoid tumors make up about 9 out of 10 lung carcinoids.Atypical lung carcinoids tend to grow faster and are more aggressive.Lung cancer treatment optionsIf your HCP thinks you have lung cancer, it’s important to get the right diagnosis. That’s because your lung cancer treatment will be based on the specific type and stage of lung cancer you have.Treatment plans for lung cancer typically include surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Your HCP may also recommend immunotherapy or — if your tumor contains genetic mutations or alterations — targeted therapy.To learn about different treatment options for lung cancer, you can use the American Lung Association’s Lung Cancer Treatment Planning Tool. It includes a decision-making worksheet you can download to use

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